
2015-FEATURED PRODUCTS headphone amplifier

  The Vorhörverstärker used to supply kleinererLautsprecher required in mixing consoles for Vorhörkon-control and command reception. The nominal output power is 4 watts into 4 Ohm.Sie is with an input level of +6 dB A-1,55Verreicht. There are two versions available. The AusführungV478B has a...

Philips TDA1541A

飞利浦TDA1541A解码IC 价格: 二手拆机焊脚:180一个 未焊脚:200一个 全新未使用的:250一个 淘宝地址:item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=44050428122

Studer 48k/24bit C4DA D19m 数字矩阵核心DAC解码板

  The C4DA/24 card can be used for stand-alone applications as well as for the D19m rack for TDM application. On one card, four digital channels are converted to four analog outputs. High-end 24 bit Delta-Sigma stereo con- verters are used for each channel, working in subrange...

Lundahl Audio transformers 瑞典伦达 输入输出音频牛

  Line Input Transformer LL1540 :www.lundahl.se/pdf/1540.pdf Price:700¥ Shopping:item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41696824731 Audio Output Transformer LL1517:www.lundahl.se/pdf/1517.pdf Price:700¥ Shopping:item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=42807133230 Output Transformer LL9305 is a line output...