2015-featured products Pre-amplifier Neumann-V475-2C
2015-03-27 18:41

This is an intermediate character V475B Forum here to reference ±told about 6 dB gain adjustment and MO-12 and LP Filter (-20 dB at40 kHz) forward work to bypass the kind of-1 dB at 75kHz f special.(Matter of taste LP Filter may also say it is Vintage)
Removing the card in the Middle MO-12 and say first of all, from asimple introduction, if jumper like this LP Filter is bypassed. LPF V475and V475A MO-12, not located on the PCB, so for more informationplease refer to aforementioned forum.
Use the gain setting for pin assignment be said and RG at ELMA 4 x11 shorting ± 6 dB gain adjustment to the. Balanced circuit so Stripch 2 resistance is required, measured the same value (close) Pleaseuse the resistance.
Each resistance ELMA switch place the PIN solder, who by switchingeach L-side 2a-2c, 4a-4c, R-side 30a-30c, 32a-32c resistance bylashing together side gain control becomes possible.
Resistance values of RE 5.1 K Ω if looks like this.
+ 6 = nc
+ 4 = 48K7
+ 3 = 30K9
+ 2 = 21K5
+ 1 = 15K4
0 = 11K8
-1 = 9K09
-2 = 7K15
-3 = 5K62
-4 = 4K42
-6 = 267
The PIN-out for each click here ↓ is.
V475-2 A
V475-2C (I think is the same as 2 B)
When it encounters the next challenge is a Bus Line to this V475-2Bfrom W444sta, but use real Bus Bar, or substitute lugs to the Forum, trysome good results how is will be updated.
Expected retail price:2000 RMB